Required essay for Nursing applicants:As a nursing applicant, you are required to complete a Personal Statement. The written responses are important to help us better understand who you are as a potential member of our Lewis community. Responses must be your own written work (i.e. not generated through artificial intelligence systems), including full thoughts with proper grammar and punctuation.Submit a response to both of the personal statement questions below. Your answers should be included in the same answer text box. Question 1: The nursing profession is extremely rewarding but nursing school can be challenging at times. Have you ever encountered a difficult situation or setback in life that required extra focus and determination to successfully get through? If so, please briefly describe what happened, how you handled the situation, how the experience affected you and what you learned from the experience. If nothing applies, please answer “not applicable.” Question 2: Do you have any experience related to nursing or health care that could prove to be beneficial during nursing school? Examples might include working/volunteering at a healthcare facility, earning a CNA or LPN license, directly caring for an ailing family member, or experiencing a personal health issue. If not, please answer “no” or “not applicable.”